Luis Suarez comes across as nice person in interview with 10-year-old kid


Jun 17, 2007
Not so long ago, Luis Suarez had a loathsome reputation. He cheated, he bit people, he (probably)*drank puppy blood, he rarely gave English interviews and he only stopped criticising the media when he was using them to manipulate a move away from Liverpool.
Now, it is clear the Suarez public relations charm offensive is in full swing. He happily flaunts his Freddie Mercury-esque grin at awards ceremonies, he makes charitable donations and now even gives brilliant interviews to adorable kids.

Ten-year-old Reds fan Finn — the boy who we have seen grill Steven Gerrard and Brendan Rodgers in the past — sat down with the Uruguayan for Liverpool's Kop Kids online TV show.
At the start, the interviewer sets out a pot of traditional British tea, only to find Suarez sipping on a South American herbal mate from a decorated gourd. Slightly confused, Finn then offers the prolific striker a biscuit to dunk in it, which he accepts only after warning the kid that such snacks will affect his body fat.
It's a charming interview and a good example of how some good publicity can really alter someone's reputation. If Cheryl Cole can go from racist nightclub toilet brawler to "nation's sweetheart" then Suarez will probably be be given a knighthood in 2014.
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Ryan Bailey
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