machina gadget, fusion or synchros?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
do you think a machina gadget deck should also include syncros or fusions in it? my deck is a machina gadget and i use solidarity in it and the only good machine type syncros i know are the ally of justice syncros, i also 2 cyber dragons in my deck and i have overload and future fusion in it, what is the best alternative for this deck?
Add another Cyber Dragon to your deck. Fusions are definitely the better choice.
Add in;

1 Cyber End Dragon
2 Cyber Twin Dragon
2 Chimeratech Overdragon
3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2 Power Bond
well say synchros its more safe because) furture fusion and overload are great but monster is easily destroy. fusion with overload , if your opponent stops attack well your card is gone and future fusion can be destroy by spells traps and monster is gone and you can have 1 of it.
Fusion because since you have Cyber Dragon you can summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon or Chimeratech overdragon