machina jinzo gadget fix/rate please?


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Monsters 21
machina gearframe x3
machina fortress x3
red, green, yellow gadget x2 of each
cyber dragon x2
jinzo x2
jinzo returner x2
machina peacekeeper
machina force
scrap recycler

spell 13
future fusion
mystical space typhoon x2
book of moon
dark hole
monster reborn
overload fusion
solidarity x2
giant trunade
gold sarcophagus
limiter removal
pot of avarice

trap 8
dimensional prison x2
dark bribe x2
bottomless trap hole x2
torrential tribute
mirror force

extra deck
chimeratech overdragon x2
chimeratech fortress
cyber twin dragon

i have 42 cards in total, u think i should cut 2 to have the 40? i would put solemn warning and judgement in this deck but dont have the money. u think i should i have one more peacekeeper in this deck? please rate and fix thanks