Make me interested in welding please? lol?


New member
Mar 7, 2010
im in high school and i was in history class, we were talking about laws and he was telling us that his son makes $30+ an hour and $50+ now i want to learn to weld. ive already been enrolled in classes but i always here the phrase "if you enjoy what you do, you will never work a day in your life" so please give me a website to get me more interested in welding than i already am (im not just interested because of the money) thank you =)
Im a lot like you, i took some welding classes in high school but was never really interested in it until i had to know how to weld because of my job (plumbing,pipefitting, commercial and industrial) the best advise i can give to you is get into an apprenticeship. The beginning sucks but the further you go into your career the more you will learn why people call themselves craftsmen. The thing about welding is the strive for perfection, a welder is a tool and the best tool is one that can do it perfect every time and trust me it isn't as easy as it sounds, it becomes an addiction to better yourself to try to be the best at what you do. $30 - $50/hr o.t. isn't bad for a shop welder,but if u really want to make the good money its in the traveling jobs, ive made over 1000 dollars take home in 2 1/2 days of welding and none of it was overtime, only having to travel 5 hours from home. There are a lot of welding schools around the country most are at colleges but if you get into an apprenticeship you get more of the hands on and better understand why you need to learn it for the field. take a few college classes or get into an apprenticeship and get a few welding certs then go find a place looking to hire.Just remember you get the welding certs so you can go into the field and learn how to weld. There are so many jobs that need welders of just people with experience in welding. try going to
Look into what welding can involve. There was a group here in Dallas years ago where I attended several meetings and one of them described the requirements of welding an Indianapolis race car made of the thinnest possible strong metal so as much fuel as possible fit within the weight limit and another guy described working in the oil fields of Kuwait to weld up special rigs to put out the fires that Saddam Husein had started when his army was driven out after his invasion. Look around a group near you - ask at welding supply shops, which is how I found this one.
$30 an hour is $60,000 a year - approximately - but you have to work 40 hours every week for 50 weeks - not be laid off.