Manga Suggestions :D?


New member
Jun 13, 2009
kay last time I added the mangas I already read/are reading last minute so I ended up getting barley anything...

Koko ni iru yo
Watashi ni XX Shinasai!
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
Bloody Kiss
Black Bird
Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu
Ouran High School Host Club
Skip Beat , Stardust Wink
Ubukawa - Hajimete no Kare
Your Words
Full Moon Wo Sagashite
Kimi Ni Todoki
Koukou Debut
Suki Desu Suzuki-Kun
Barajou No Kiss
Love Berrish!
Full House Kiss
Yoru no Gakkou e Oide Yo!
Yumemiru Taiyou
Chocolate Cosmos
Strobo Edge
Devil and Her Love Song
Ah! Itoshi no Banchousama
Fruit Baskets
Heart no Kuni no Alice
Shugo Chara (?)

Any mangas likee Black Bird, Stardust Wink, Kyo Koi Wo Hajimemasu, Kimi Ni Todoke, Chocolate Cosmos, Devil and Her Love Song?

***Especially Watashi ni XX Shinasai! *** (<- Like where the girl is scheming for something and the guy is someone he isn't or something and uhh yea)
***Koko ni iro yo*** (<- Cute C: ) REALLY Like these 2 mangas

Or any like the ones above??

-2004+ mangas NO OLD ONES

-Err.. No Shounen so, nothing like Naruto Bleach Inuyasha One Piece Fairy Tail no big action :eek:

- Shoujo!!



-Love Triangle? 1 girl 2 boys

-Love Square! Like in 'Suki Desu Suzuki-Kun' would be great :D


-The girl is dense?

-Girls can't be an IDIOT like ...idk but she can be a LITTLE stupid but not TOO stupid that I just wanna say "AHHH SOO STUPID"

-Something cute?

-The Manga art isn't hard to look at Like no faces with fishlips like " o3o " no fishlips like in 'Strobo Edge'

-Uhh if its lips then it CAN look like 'Devil and Her Love Song

-Art is uhh lookable
not ugly or weird or uhh scary

(Types of guys that the manga can have)
-Sporty guy?

-Tough guy?

-Nice guy?

-Popular guy?

-Shy guy?

-uhhh guy who can't express his feelings well?

-Hot/Cute guy :D?

-The girl has friends..(no more stories about the girl not having friends)

-Girl dosen't cry at every little thing

-Idc about mature content, just not uhh po873h5y and gross D:

-Childhood friends?

-theme: SCHOOL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-4 star+ (this is a MUST)

Sorry for LONGNESS
*****BTW It dosen't have to have ALL of the stuff I listed xD!
Just a couple of the things o-o
You don't have to be worried and go "DO MANGAS WITH ALL OF THIS EXIST?"

Put a website with the summary or put the summary here please :)!
Dengeki Daisy
Shinobi Life
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Her Majesty's Dog
Shibariya Komachi
Sailor Fuku ni Onegai
Fushigi Yuugi
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Vampire Knight
Ayashi no Ceres
Captive Hearts
Beast Master
Absolute Boyfriend
Alice 19th
Please Save My Earth

You can see more here:

Hope this helps, have fun reading :)
Dengeki Daisy
Shinobi Life
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Her Majesty's Dog
Shibariya Komachi
Sailor Fuku ni Onegai
Fushigi Yuugi
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Vampire Knight
Ayashi no Ceres
Captive Hearts
Beast Master
Absolute Boyfriend
Alice 19th
Please Save My Earth

You can see more here:

Hope this helps, have fun reading :)
Dengeki Daisy
Shinobi Life
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Her Majesty's Dog
Shibariya Komachi
Sailor Fuku ni Onegai
Fushigi Yuugi
Fushigi Yuugi: Genbu Kaiden
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler
Vampire Knight
Ayashi no Ceres
Captive Hearts
Beast Master
Absolute Boyfriend
Alice 19th
Please Save My Earth

You can see more here:

Hope this helps, have fun reading :)
Wow. Well, there are two I can suggest to you.
Special A: I've only read the first two volumes and have seen some of the anime, but it's really cute. This girl and this guy have known each other since they were kids, and he's the only one who was able to beat her inwrestling...and he did so with ease. So now he's her rival. She challenges him at anything and even got into a very prestigious school and is in the Special A class...only the top seven studets get. The guy, though, is in love with her, though she doesn't realize it.
Wild Ones: One of my personal favorites. This girl Sachie, loses her mother, so she goes to live with her estranged grandfather who is actually the head of a yakuza gang! She has to adjust to this life as well as her new careaker: Rakuto, her senpai and her new school's Prince. He's in love with her, but with the odd position of being her caretaker, he can do nothing about it. And she's too dense to realize it. Add in a boy who moves in with them who is also in love with her...LOVE TRIANGLE!!! So sweet, cute, and funny!