Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

A small bit of good news. Every single one of the 170 people who was alive when first responders reached them has survived. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Despite traumatic amputations, severed arteries, severe blood loss, and other catastrophic injuries. This is due to the incredible work of the first responders in stabilizing individuals, incredible coordination in transporting the wounded to area hospitals, and incredible skill of the surgeons at those hospitals. Hats off.

Sophisticated attack at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. At least two assailants using grenades and long guns. At least one officer killed in action; police SUV stolen. No details yet on other casualties. One suspect injured and in custody; at least one other still at large. People in the area are being urged to stay indoors. No word on whether these are the same two from the Boston Marathon.

I will update this as I learn more.
Boston Globe (generally very reputable) just reported on Twitter that the two MIT shooters are the two Boston Marathon bombing suspects. One is wounded and in custody; the other is at large.
Huffington Post has a picture of the one guy in's definitely the guy in the white baseball cap from the marathon bombing. Other still at large, but FBI, Homeland Security, and Boston PD are now out in force.
One down one to go

Got to remember there are cameras every where these days. You aren't going to get away with anything for very long!
According to the live feed I'm listening to, 1 man is a Chechen and 1 a Russian. Apparently authorities are comfortable stating these are foreign trained terrorists now. Details still seem a little shaky though.
They're Russian brothers. The 1 still at large is 19. The names above aren't there real names if they were even using them.
I find this Chechen thing quite odd. Their traditional and historic enemy is Russia/Russians. If anything the US was raising concerns on behalf of Chechens during Russia's last few campaigns there.

Links between Chechens and wider Al-Qaeda type orgs have been mentioned in the news before, mostly Russian news, but I always thought this was a way for Russian state controlled media to legitimize Russian campaigns in Chechnya on par with the whole "war on terror" thing.

I didn't expect Chechen militants to attack the US, this surely hinders their whole independence idea on a global level. Definitely seems like an Al-Qaeda type org is involved, or for conspiracy theories sake, some clandestine government operation to renew war in the North Caucuses, though I doubt Russia would do this, they already have their puppet in place there.
Its going to be a while before we have this in black and white im afraid.
Im sure once there are profiles known, with detailed backgrounds a better assesment will be available.
A change of clothes, quick haircut and cash money would prolong it significantly. Of course, now that they're known, it can only end one way.
Had they anticipated the cameras and worn disposable clothes and cowboy hats, they could have remained unknown.

This reminds me about a movie where a black guy explained his strategy for not getting caught during a robbery.
He wore a 3 piece suit underneath some training gear with gang signs and talked with a lot of profanity. If he had to run, he would quickly lose the training gear and put on some reading glasses. He said that white people couldn't distinguish back people that well. They'd remember a cursing gangbanger who wouldn't look anything like the polite businessman.
Another thing I find odd is that the two brothers were in a shootout with police (correct me if I’m wrong), and one of them escaped? There must have been hundreds of cops involved, helicopters, patrols etc. How does 1 of 2 people leave unnoticed.. very strange.
From what I remember of the article they were in a shootout at a road block. I imagine that isn't the full force of police out looking for them. Once you have the one wounded suspect who needs to be controlled and detained, and people looking after the police officer who was wounded, I'm happy to accept there would of been an opportunity for the other suspect to get away.
I agree with saying its going to be a while before we get a clear answer to this, but does it have to be related to their ethnic background? Its certainly possible there's an Al Qaeda link in there, but couldnt it also be possible they're brothers who for some reason snapped and decided to kill people and the fact their Chechen is irrelevant?
In the past...maybe. IIRR, Russia asked the US to get off their back about Chechnya and they would do the same about US involvement in the Middle East. They are both fighting terrorism and a common enemy etc etc.

Edit: CBS is making a bit of an issue about them training in an offtopic gym. I can't find the video now. I'll post it if I can find it.
I just did a bit of reading, seems the shootout occurred with patrol officers, after which the remaining suspect fled on foot. I guess they probably didn’t have police helicopter, dogs and such in the immediate area, so I guess it’s not that weird. The image I had in my mind was like someone walking out of a hornets’ nest.

No, it doesn’t have to be related to their ethnic background, but there have been a large amount of terrorist attacks in Russia by this particular ethnicity, though it’s hardly surprising considering they have been in a state of on/off war for the past 400 odd years. Let’s see, hopefully they take the last guy alive, maybe we can get some answers then, though Sky News did just report that shot were fired, but they shut up about it now..