MAP is growing

There is no hiding my child, my boss is omnipresent.

You're how old? Sorry, the height made me think of a child. Here, have a wafer, I've waved at it, it's holy.

Pontiff Mitch
Real life self defense techniques in action (you'll have to stop posting in the Ninjutsu forum now you can defend yourself )!
See Fish...

Dean has figured out self-preservation tactics, it seems to me you're not quite at that level of sanity yet...
I'm only 5'6" so I think she could get me.

Of course then another drink would be required and being the upstanding guy that I am I couldn't see a lady go without...
Yes 55,000 members! Doesn't it form such a diverse range of opinions and non clique groups!!! Lol. Give me a break there's about 20 map freaks and 40 occasional posters.
Not to your liking?

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Haha yea imagine If none of us posted on things we didn't find to our liking! That's what keeps it going
Honestly? You think sniping at people is what makes MAP the vibrant place it is?

May I suggest you make a trip to the Training Logs section and see where a whole bunch of people from different disciplines who have even had disagreements in the past are supporting each other all the time?

There's something in what you say of course, there will always be on any internet forum, but MAP is so much better than most in avoiding the sniping whilst keeping the positive and long may it continue.

Obviously I just proved your point

Thank you sir. I have been a member for a few years now and have a lot of martial arts experience (8 years full time living)
I have recently become annoyed and upset at some groups on here. Ganging up on others, coming across as lord of the manor because they post on the hour every hour for the last 7 years and CANNOT be told anything.

Your posts have been genuine and sincere as I see from your posting history.
All the best
No need to call me "sir" Daggers, you know I'm a mile off thinking anyone owes me that! And I didn't mean to sound like I was having a go at you, sorry if it came across that way

Maybe I misread your comment, and if so again I apologise.

But I think MAP does quite well at avoiding the petty bickering many MA sites suffer under and encourages the worthwhile exchanges.

Best wishes to you and yours in any case
