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I digress from any further comments.

There are two things I learned at a younger age about older people. 1.) Don't mess around with them in a rough housing manner in an attempt to be playful. They don't like it, and will meet your playful amount of force with a punch or kick that is tenfold of yours. They don't play those games. And 2.) You can only get one or two comments in before they start dismantling you, because they do in fact know a crap ton more than you from life experience.
I'm directing a special waft of Mitch-musk all the way to Argentina, just for you my friend.



Simon (I have no idea why)...

Fish of Doom...

JWT will always be Murdoch until he changes his avatar. Probably still will be after, lol.
Maybe only the Brits will appreciate this but this is how I have always seen Boris...

:' D

Pic. # 1 - Late for Dinner - Note the empty spot.

Pic. # 2 - Wildings - Wildings joined during a time I was typing in "random country" and "girls" on Google Images. She said she's from Italy, so she got stuck with that.

Pic. # 3 - JWT - This is a picture of a doorman. It says, "hello and welcome, act up and I'm going to drop kick you in the face." That's the impression I get

As this thread goes along and I keep posting these, I find it funny how I remember all this stuff!