MAP members you are attracted to

Drunken miss ho certainly sounds attractive, though I have seen no pictures to back that up, not necessary. She doesn't seem to overreact to stuff, which makes her

Kickchick appears to be the alpha female.

Budogirl is bold, confident and unshy.
Morphus, because he's cool
and Martial Arts Snob, because he's lovable and quirky, only thing is he's too old for me.
Most people on here are too old for you Shotokan. I think you must be the youngest member on here, though you wouldnt know it from the maturity of your posts.
Thing is I haven't seen many of you!!


#1 Stutta

Thats all I can think of the now!!

I think people should post there pics, so we can all make educated decisions?!!
I reckon people should have thier real pic as thier av.
The thing is though, what was the question really intended to resolve?
Who are you most attracted too phyically? Like crap man, she is hot, or just attracted too. You know what I mean, Like when you go to a bbq and see a group off people and say "OH Crap, there is so and so pretent you havnt seen them coz they are a pain in the ass" or "Bugger me! look hon there is Jimmy Joe Moo-char-cho. Lets go and see him.
I guess what I want to say is was this thread meant to target who you are attracted to sexually? or who you think are top fella's or shiela's
Been there, done that. It's been my avatar for about a month now. I also, for whatever masochistic reason, posted my pic in the Martial Arts Hunks thread along wioth only a handfull of other male MAPers.
i think theres less than 10 of us mapper males up in the hunks page, but you can find me in there, i lose a few points for not being in my BDU's methinks though.
Eh Hum.
Pionts to the bloke with a head as bald as a bats ass, and says.
Join me Sisters and Brethren, post your pics. I at least will love you for who you are