MAP Stands in General Election

To be honest I'm not really into asking for pics over the internet. I'm more of a "turn up and bundle you in the back of my van" kinda guy
Well we were useless. Beaten by a coalition. We have a guy as deputy prime minister who basically lost the election.

Since this post we have new members. So I say lets reform.

Who wants in?
I'll put my hand up for minister of alcoholic beverages.
....we're good at that down here
Eh... I'm not qualified for anything. :[

But it doesn't seem to stop OTHER politicians, so I'll run for something too! How 'bout Master Righter of Awkward Weirdo Situations and Other Mighty Errors


*drum roll*

Mmmm. So, then I'm Minister of Punishment.

Van Zandt gets *nothing* from any woman ever again. Not even a polite smile.
I'm going to pretend that you are not like this in real life. Because if I don't, I'm going to have to write off everything you say. In any arena.
Okay done. Knight Errant is the culture minister for MAP (written so you can sig' this or use in an arguement).

Slip is foreign affairs minister. I assume he is on a state visit as we have not heard from him for a couple of weeks.

Van Zandt has two postitions.
1. Head of advanced robotic research.
2. Head of pronographic research and development.

Patrick Smith is Master Righter of Awkward Weirdo Situations and Other Mighty Errors. I don't know what that role entails but if it keeps him quiet.

Awkward Weirdo Situations probably involves Fish of Doom. We need something for him.
alright, culture minister!
Right, as my first imperial decr... I mean point on our manifesto, I propose the creation of an 'incubating chamber' for artists who have recently left art college- kind of a follow on where they are taught the dark arts of arranging, managing and putting up exhibitions. This will help many artists to survive where they otherwise wouldn't.
I'm sorry...

but I find this utterly ridiculous.

I have read through 3 pages so far and all I got stuck in my head is "boobs"
My second imperial d... dammit, point of the manifesto as culture minister is:
You are not, emphatically not, allowed to point out how ridiculous this all is.