Margaret Thatcher has died

Of course it is complex, that is why there are ways to benefit from it. If it were simple it would be much harder.

And no, by tax I mean tax.

I can fork over 30K from every 100K and allow the government to assign it where they want.

Or I can fork over 15K and allow them to assign it where they want.

Or I can fork over zero and allow them to whistle.

Or I can fork over whatever I like to any of the areas that need it - such as housing projects or helping the homeless, or education.
Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead' could reach number one following Margaret Thatcher's death

''Lady Thatcher’s death could propel The Wizard Of Oz track "Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead to the top of the charts.

Those who saw her death as a cause for celebration have prompted a download surge for the track.

Within 24 hours of the former Prime Minister’s death, the song had risen to number 9 in the iTunes best-sellers chart. It reached number 2 on the Amazon singles download chart.''

Saw this and it raised a smile.
I was kinda suprised that nobody posted that in the thread about Thatcher.

I was gonna...but then worried that people would think I like musicals.
Even the military need to be led, she did that very well. The point is these things cost. Do you pay out money just on the off chance they decide to invade. How much do you think it would have taken to put them off ? Think how far away it is, at what cost. just to cover your ass, at what expense? If it comes to nothing the same people will be saying oh look at all the waste.

You can't really win in a situation like that.

She did what she had to and led the country and the military well in a crisis.
Well my point is, housing and other benefits shouldn't be thought of as some basic human (birth)right. But rather as a measure for those in true need of help from outsiders (the taxpayer). The culture that's grown up around our system is half the problem. People are born into a benefit culture and have these expectations of it ( "I have a right to this or that"). I've grown up around it, and with people for whom it's become easier and more expedient for them to continue to milk the system they find themselves in rather than try to better themselves. It's just sad really.
The benefit culture is another unfortunate legacy of the Thatcher years, and the mass unemployment which her government engineered.
They should act as a safety net, but often they dont and enable people to not work for long periods instead.

However things such as tax credits are also benefits, which many enployed people are in receipt off, who dont seem to see that they too are taking from the taxpayer.
You do know this is an island right? You can only move so far away. Housing is now unaffordable to many regardless how far from London they live
Many people play the system but only working a certain amount of hours to maximize benefits.

Refusing work to gain money from the state, is the same as some unemployed do, so why is it acceptable to you in one case and not the other.
Of course not. I'm saying that the mass unemployment which her government created resulted in the 'benefits culture' that we have today.

Although unemployment hasn't again reached the levels that it did under Thatcher, it has never gone down to the pre-Thatcher level either. It seems to be a permanent feature of British economic life these days.
I believe her demise is going to cost us 3 million pounds. As Frankie Boyle has stated that's enough to buy everyone in Scotland a shovel to dig a hole deep enough for her so that they could hand her over to Satan themselves
To modify my own statement. The celebrations were more aobut people expressing themselves like they are here on this thread.

But I dn't remember people partying in the streets like I have now seen is happening over there?

I don't think the haters of Reagan went out in the streets, but they were quite vocal.

This is to the best of my recolllection anyways.....
There's plenty of land left. If you are talking a London weighted salary then you can certainly afford a place if you are willing to commute at first.

When I first moved to London (where I rented) I couldn't afford rent so lived in a hostel with 9 guys in one room, had a little locker for all my possessions. Shared the room with travellers, addicts, released prisoners...great location though! Once I got my first paycheck I moved into an apartment. Once I saved enough I moved upwards again. It's a ladder, if you are born poor you aren't entitled to a nice house in a good location, you have to earn it. Once you balance savings and stop wasteful expenditure you can earn enough for a deposit somewhere. Then get on the ladder. Problem is people live beyond their means.

This is the same entitlement culture then people on bennies have.

Plus you are barking up the wrong tree with me since I have moved 10's of thousands of miles in order to find places to live to improve my income and career options. So I know it can be done. Often with little to no money to bankroll it. I've stayed in hostels many times when I could afford a rent deposit- and semi legal apartments, saving enough to take the next step.

Sometimes the next step, once I got an apartment meant I couldn't afford proper food that month and had to buy a bulk pack of white rice or pasta, sneaking meals from staff canteens etc.

Life is full of choices, and opportunities. But we must step outside of comfortzones and decide if we want to improve or not. It's all there for us.

Blame anyone you like for your situation, but you can only blame yourself for not changing it.
Say what? you said NOTHING about a refusal to work in your earlier post, and you are already saying I accepted one case and not another in my reply.
Not at all, I was simply commenting that if you work and pay tax then if you receive something back from the taxpayer (yourself), then ok. I apologize for not knowing much about tax credits! (I don't have a use for them)

Only now you are making it more specific and bringing into it some refusal to work which you failed to state before.
Seriously is this how you try to win arguments. Making up what the other persons views are and putting words in their mouth?

LOL. Work harder than that, don't cheat!!
Well it may have been a contributory factor to what we see today - but then we could say that about many things. But the house was already built way before her time and the Welfare state in place. She was in no position to reform it or tear it down at the time.

You blame Thatcher, but you don't mention what she inherited as a cause or to place any blame. If it wasn't for the economic mess and ridiculous power of the unions things might well have been different again.

Something had to be done for the better. It's insanity to continue down the same road and expect a different result. What we had before her certainly was not working, it was an embarrassment and shambles how the country was in the Seventies. And much of the blame should go there - let's not forget she was a big reformer within her own political party. We can't just blame the person who made the difficult decisions that pulled us out of a badly performing economy and gave us a much better one.