Medi has passed away.

I'm shocked. He was a pillar of this internet community, and, well, goodbye medi. Wish I'd known you better.
I like to think that we are not just our physical bodies, but our actions, too, and how those actions are held in memory by our community. I like to think of little bits of Medi being held by each of us and the others of his vast community.
Rest in peace Medi, always fun to argue with – it never turned into juvenile name-calling. He was wise beyond his years.

Things like this always remind me of life’s priorities and makes most of the stuff we bicker about on here relatively meaningless.

Thoughts and wishes to all those who were close to him.

Simply at loss for words.

Despite not having been here on MAP for very long there were a number of posts from Medi that I have read. The intellegence and sense of humor displayed in them will be missed.

My thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
God damn. Words just don't really work in these instances.
The world just got a bit worse for his passing.
I didn't know him personally but got a sense of him from his posts and posting style. Definately a guy to down a few bevvies with.
Sadly missed by all I'm sure.
Sad news, remember having a interesting discusion about black holes - he was a clever and funny guy, someone I know I would have liked immensely had we ever met.

R.I.P. Medi
A few of Medi's Classic posts imo:

Dating an ex-hardcore porn star:

this is how you make a sig:

What has Medi been doing:

Lets blow up the planet:

Female MAPpers only Poll: Shaved head, hot or not?

Remember folks, all paypal donations to [email protected] - Charity as yet to be decided.
OMG, this has come as a real shock. It must have been very sudden. *shakes head* So young too, and Medi always seemed so full of life, he was a real character. R.I.P. Medi.

Er... why does his member profile say he was last active on 10th December? Didn't he pass away on the 5th December?
Of course. I did not doubt that he had passed away, but I thought okay, either he told family his profile password and someone else was tying things up for him... or this is kind of creepy
Peace out Medi.

You are being missed and future threads will forever feel somewhat empty without your words.
yeh i am auto logged on when i come on MAP on my computer.

Might be the same with medis pc.
Cheers for that Sarge. Some great threads, and some great memories. Hard to read them without feeling a wee bit choked up though.
Cheers for that Sarge. I gave Medi a lot of thought as I was running around town today getting things done. I remember my favorite post of his was a response to someone elses post and it consisted of the following:


That's right... just a single full stop. That's how Medi was... he could cut to the quick and still get a laugh.

Bless 'im... I'm sure he's doin' just fine whatever leg of his journey he's on now. It had me smiling to myself today thinking of that post of Medi's.
I didn't want to believe this either. What a horrible thing to happen. Not deserved by a long way.
Be at peace. those who remember you keep your soul safe and you alive.