Meeting you idol?? IDEAS?


New member
Dec 22, 2010
So, I'm just going to come right out and say it... I. LOVE. JUSTIN. BIEBER. Please don't say anything bad about him, I want good answers, not just answers saying that you hate him. Me and my best friend are trying to meet him and get a book signing in Toronto. We are going to make a list of reasons of why he should come and why we think we should meet him. We have about 20 reasons but we need more. So, if you had the chance, why should you get to meet your idol? Thanks! Merry Christmas!
I should get to meet Emma Watson because she has been my role model since the first Harry Potter film came out [when I was 7 years old]. I've always looked up to her because she's so elegant, charming, well-spoken, and she has a good head on her shoulders. If I met her I would thank her for being such a good role model for me while growing up. ?

Merry Christmas! :)
Well, the reason why I would wnat to meet someone is because I respect them and think they've accomplished somethign really great if that helps.
Best of luck :)