Mega cloud service comes to iOS with sharing, fast transfers


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
Kim Dotcom’s Auckland-based Mega encrypted cloud storage service has arrived on iOS.When I caught up with Mega CEO Vikram Kumar last week he said the app was about to make it through the last stages of*Apple’s app approval process. In the event the last steps went quicker than expected and the app appeared in the iTunes store yesterday (NZ time).
The iOS7 app joins the Android app which appeared some months ago.
Both apps let users manage content stored in their cloud locker. You can stream supported media files and send file links directly from within the app.
There’s an option to subscribe to Mega’s premium service through an in-app purchase. This is interesting because it implies an Apple seal of approval – significant in the iPhone world. It also means Apple gets a 30 percent slice off the top of the US$11 monthly payment for the service.
Subscribers get an extra 500GB of storage and 1000GB of bandwidth each month.
Mega says an iPad version is on its way.
[digitl 2013]
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