Men, women, and sex

*In effort to get this back on-topic*

In relation to sex drives, why do some people, regardless of gender, have higher or lower drives compared to other people.

Is biological? Is it psychological? Does society today have any influence on this? Etc.
I suspect it's related somewhat to individual physiology (amongst other things). Different people have different hormonal balances - one of the reasons why some people build muscle more easily than others - which I suppose could also be linked to diet and lifestyle. Pregnant women go through phases when they have higher and lower sex drives due to changes in hormones occurring throughout the pregnancy.
So really, it depends mostly, but not always, on a persons hormonal levels?
Wouldn't it be kinda against the whole principle of surviving (in this case, reproduction as one of the means) if a person had a low sex drive?
I'd hazard a guess that it's mostly biological. Although society does determine which impulses we can act on and others that we try to suppress.
That is not what I'm trying to say, at all.

I'm saying that I'm sceptical of the idea that teens can't help being risk takers and bad decision makers due to brain wiring. I used the jumping 30ft thing as an example, that's all. I have the suspicion that the risk taking and messy decision making we do see in teens may be largely because of the fact that in much of Western society they're still in the position of being children. Brains are not created in a vacuum.

You have chosen to ignore the points I made, and instead dismissed them as 'rage'. None of those points were made in a 'rage' tone. I don't think any of my posts in this thread were made with a 'rage' tone, actually. Again, why are you fixating on the one phrase 'people are stupid'? Are you that bothered by hyperbole? If I'd posted a rant full of cursing and anger I'd understand you thinking 'Oh no not more rage from her again'. I don't really do subtlety and my verbal style isn't endearing to everyone. But it wasn't, it was a casual comment followed by an explanation of why I thought such people were stupid.

Analogy: someone is tired, or moody, and they say something like 'life sucks'. They don't actually mean that life is all negative - it's shorthand for 'I currently feel that life sucks because right now, I'm tired or moody.' Do you take that in 100% seriousness and jump on that, too?
Interesting. With birth control, do you think that sex drives on average have increased compared to when there was no means of birth control?
No. For the simple reason that people choose a mate based on a whole load of factors and not just how horny they are. Because your partner is horny doesn't mean the can provide enough food, shelter and protection.
I don't think sex drives have increased. But I do think people may be more willing to act on impulse. And I think this is evidenced by the current epidemic in STDs.
But it certainly seems to be an effective way of motivating them! The protection thing is fairly easy to take care of, and drive through/takeout and a car would probably take care of the rest.
I apologize if I jump to assumptions (not my intention though I do things that I don't realize which is really strange). So this kinda means that we will have a tendency to mate with an individual who we deem to be successful (stable job and income, etc). We want to mate with someone who we know can't hold there own weight and not drag us down.

Ex. You'd probably mate with a stable person (financially and emotionally) compared to a person who is having trouble (financially and emotionally)
Your idea of a hot date might impress the women where you are. But not where I live. They want something more than a cheese burger with fries on the side.
So it's not really the sex drive (though it plays a role) but how people deal with it. A person who has a high sex drive may not as mate as much since he is "conservative" compared to a person who has a moderate sex drive and acts on every impulse (Oooh pretty person and then mate. Oooh another pretty person and then mate.)
That's why I provide a hot dog with all the toppings. Plus, I was only kidding. Well, except for the part about sex/procreation being used as a motivational tool.
It means there is the ideal partner. And then there's what's on offer at any given moment. Some people will simply take what's thrown at them. Others will be more picky. Part of what influences a persons decisions is what they perceive their status to be in society. Which has different effects on different people.

If an individual has low self esteem and deems themselves to be worthless. They may not make any effort at all to make any sort of connections with any body. On the other hand they may choose others like themselves because it may not require as much effort.

If a person has a lot of confidence they could use that confidence to pick only the best. Similarly they could use that confidence to achieve a higher hit rate.
Idealistic but true. Of course, there are also cases of people who go through plenty of "hit" options because their self-esteem is so high that no one could ever please them.