Menzies Aviation Ramp Agent position?


May 30, 2008
to whoever reads this,

I recently had an interview for ramp agent at sea-tac airport thru a company called, menzies aviation. I was told that by the end of the interview that ten minutes into it they wanted to hire me (LOL), I guess I've always been good at interviews.

Anyone here that might of worked or is working for them can tell me about the company or the job itself, preferly at sea-tac airport in WA state? I'm 25 years old and my background is mostly CAD Operator for engineering companies I did this for 4 years, I was let go recently so I've been looking for work and considering changing careers completely and even joining the military, I hear that ramp agent jobs mostly suck, pay is between 9-12.50 per hour, but there are some decent benefits and its often used as a stepping stone to a better position within the company, with my office and management experience and decent physical shape, I would think that I could excel at this job and quickly move up and that is the only reason I would consider taking this job, not to be a ramp agent forever at 10 bucks an hour and achieve nothing.

I would appreciate some input from someone who if possible worked at sea-tac as a ramp agent, is it worth the trouble to be great at the job? is there room for advancement? what can you go up to from ramp agent? I was told security personnel and safety instructors are amongst some of the other higher up positions and they tend to hire from within the company?

I have until the end of the month (waiting on call backs for other jobs more related to my experience) to decide if I will take this job full time. The job was offered to me during the interview.

thank you for your answers.