Method of Death

I would want to take a .50 cal to the chest. Talk about a way to go. Closed casket for me =)
There was only 1 study done about that in the (I believe early) 1700's; it was the only documented case (that I know of) of decapitated heads blinking in response to their name, or any other signs of life.
i said hanging cuz there is still a slight chance you would still live, but if i were to pick one i'd say overdose on monster/rockstar/full throttle ect.
Fucking hot girls until my heat stops would probably be the best way, but of those I chose lethal injection.
firing squad, itd make a big mess.
-heres a joke i got off another website
"when i go i want to go like my grandfather, quietly and in his sleep. not like the other people in the car screaming their heads off!"
I'd have to say guillotine, seems like its the fastest. Bonus: Might even get your head put on a pike.

Edit: Oh and non-execution style death would be spontaneous combustion because it almost never happens.
I was thinking about this the other day. I want a completly random, instant death. Like one second normal life then out of no where, and without my knowing, something instantly killing me.
a friend of mine wants to die of alcohol poisoning on a football field in front of a packed and surprised crowd.

but i went with firing squad, but i think getting crushed by the weight of a building would be a good way to go. and props to the guy fucking till he dies thats another good one.