

New member
Apr 11, 2008
How well does it work? I had acne real bad when Iw as in high school now that I've grown out of it I'm considering haviong it done to get rid of the scarring. Has anyone had it done?
What are you making?

To appease the modzi's I have heard that microdermabrasion works. Exactly how much scaring do you have?
Fucking 12:30 here. Plus, it's free donut day at Dunken Donuts if you get a coffee.

Never heard of this microwhatever though. Just get it.
o shit I should stop by there. some fat bitch in my comm class yesterday though brought in tons of donuts, but my appetite hasn't come back yet so I didn't eat any
goddamn too bad theres no Dunkin Donuts since I live in Canada...Tim Hortons FTW!

Oh and too please the mods...Microwhatchmucalitevers is great!!!! GET IT..
It's like a 1 mile walk there, but a free donut is worth 2 miles.
We had donuts in accounting today but I couldn't eat them because I'm stupid and the donut distribution was based on grades :tdown:
ROFL, this made my day!

Microderm stuff is perfected now they dont use the 50 grit sandpaper anymore
It pissed me off :(

I have 4 weeks left. Then finals week, which is only 3 days though.
Yeah well I was kinda confused cause they were doing some spring break shit on Deal or No Deal last night and I was thinking shit is it only spring break there?
Yea me and my girlfriend were laughing about that. They are about a month and a half too late on the Spring break shows.
Our finals begin the last week of April for us, but we get out real early. My sis goes to Ohio State and she's not done until June but doesn't go back until September (they're on quarters)
I figured also the contestant was an idiot. How he got in too any school I do not know:dodgy: