Misc. Facts Thread

It is quite funny to think that some dumb-ass teenager (the kind who believes all the "if you drink milk while waving a swedish flag and hopping on one foot before sex you won't get pregnant" wives tales) might try that. The Casualty units will be full of scalded nads tonight!
going on the lines of ninja

Ninjas like to flip out and kill ppl
kickboxing is just boxing cept they also use their legs
As opposed to boxers, who use weelchairs whilst in the ring to move around.

Incidentally I think Tekken may be underestimating the length of the infertility caused by soaking the balls in boilling water.
Don't forget tekken is probably talking 120 Farenheit which is about 49 celsius. You'd be hard pushed to find a bowl of water anywhere at 120c in which to drop your nads.

By the way: A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time. 1 jiffy = 1/100th of a second!
your from alabama don't you folks have some crazy rednecks there?

misc. is short for miscellaneous *nods head*
Table salt was so valuable during the dark ages it was sometimes used as pay for Roman soldiers.

Polar bears are considered the only land animal which will actively hunt humans as a primary food source (as opposed to attacks of opportunity or for territorial reasons).

A night bomber squadron "the Night Witches" in Soviet WW2 was made up entirely of women, as were at least two other combat fighter and bomber squadrons. Several Soviet women piloted front line fighters during WW2 and some became fighter aces.

Almost everything Egyptologists have assumed about ancient Egypt is based on the writings of a neo-Egyptian priest named Mantheo in the 3rd century CE (current era or christian era). The age of the Sphinx and Pyramids or several other artefacts has never been corroberated (and is in fact challenged), by hard sciences, which suggest they predate classical Egyptian civilisation by up to several thousand years. It is strongly contested by Egyptologists and the museum of Egypt, who determines access to the artefacts.

The faster you travel, the more all lengths and measurements are contracted in the direction of travel, which combines with your increased rate of covering a given distance. This is why, although travelling at the speed of light is impossible, interstellar travel is not. It is just ridiculously expensive.
The longest a chicken has ever flown for is 16 seconds.

The times table gets its name from the fact it tells people how many elephnats you had if you had 4 TIMES 8 elephants.

Trains do not actually go "Choo choo".

Most keyboard characters you get by holding shift and pressing numbers look like letters or numbers, eg:
! - i
@ - a
# - H
$ - S
% - X
^ - A
& - 8
* - nothing
( - C
) - D

This is not actually true. I just checked it, and what happens is, the stationary observer would observe YOU, who is moving, as having measurements that are smaller than the mesaurements taken at rest. However, from your perspective, your measurements would remain unchanged. It works exactly the same way with time. A subatomic particle traveling at near lightspeed runs on a slower clock than we do from our perspective, but from the particle's perspective, time proceeds normally. Until or unless we find a way to circumvent the universal speed limit, interstellar travel is not only ridiculously expensive, but for all practical purposes, impossible. It would just take too long.
The United States, land of the free*

* your freedom may vary.

In Natoma, Kansas, it's illegal to throw knives at men wearing striped suits.

Pound for pound, hamburgers cost more than new cars.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

The phrase "rule of thumb" is derived from an old English law which stated that you couldn't beat your wife with anything wider than your thumb.

On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.

Ten percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka.
Light travels at the same speed for everyone regardless of perspective. The speed of light for a stationary observer is 3*10^8 m/s, and the speed of light for someone moving toward the light source at 1/10 light speed is also 3*10^8 m/s.
The term "Reading the Riot Act" comes from the 1715 Riot Act, which made it a capital offence (could be killed for it) for a group of 12 or more people to meet together. Any such meeting was called a riot.

The Riot Act would be read out by a constable or magistrate in coofftopicnd of either more constables or soldiers. If the group did not split up, they would be split by force as happened at Peterloo.
"almost" is the longest word in the english dictionary, with all the words in alphabetical order. Shove that in ur pipe an smoke it Albert!
Hong Kong has more Rolls Royces per person than anywhere else in the world.
The oldest pig in the world lived to the age of 68.
Bacteria that cause tooth decay, acne, tuberculosis, and leprosy can be cured with cashews.
In the U.S., for every dollar you spend on gasoline 27 cents of it is in taxes.
There are three golf balls sitting on the moon.
Diet Pepsi was originally called Patio Diet Cola.
A group of frogs is called an army.
By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand.
More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.
In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket.
The word Eskimo literally means 'raw meat eater'.
Bananas aren’t fruit! They are a type of herb.
Pilgrims did not eat with forks. They only used spoons, knives and their fingers. The revenue that is generated from gambling is more than the revenue that comes from movies, cruise ships, recorded music, theme parks, and spectator sports combined.