Mock the Week


New member
Apr 10, 2008
Anyone a fan of this show?

Frankie Boyle is hilarious!

Last weeks episode - Lines unlikely to be heard in a superhero movie:

"What's that Joker? You'll be back?.... Somehow I don't think you will be!"


War on Terror
I have to say I am a fan also, although I prefer the somewhat more conventional humour of Russel Howard to the borderline phsycotic Boyle variety.

Howard's rant on the papers is brilliant.
LMAO Good description Coma. Much prefer HIGNFY. I think I am tiring of the panel show these days.
LOL very good.

I don't like it either. Jack Dee Live at the Apollo, now thats funny! Rich Hall was hilarious...
It's fun to watch, but HIGNFY is better in Fridays as it's always been there.

Prefer Bill Bailey though. More surreal and fun.
The one stain on this great show is the incredibly annoying Andy Parsons. I hate the way he walks up to the mic and expects people to laugh for some reason, and some in the audience do for no fathomable reason.

Frankie Boyle on the other hand is a genius. Always the funniest by a long shot, although sometimes Hugh Dennis isn't far behind. Love the show.
I like Dara س Briain, Russell Howard and Frankie Boyle. Yet I dont like this show. Andy Parsons Is the problem.
It seems that Mock the Week seems to be Comedy Marmite - you like it or you don't.

Actually I also have to agree that HIGNFY and Buzzcocks are both better - mainly becuase I think Merton, Hislop and Bailey are all funnier that anyone on Mock the Week. Also yeah Andy Pasons is not that funny.

Still I like it - its better than street cred Sudoku.
Frankie Boyle says the stuff other comedians wish they could say.
Very funny indeed.
Andy Parsons is indeed not funny and has very annoying delivery.
Russell Howard is great too. I saw him live in York a few years back (before he got more famous) and he absolutely owned the place. In particular I liked his skit about hiding razor blades up his arse when he dies should anyone wish to dig him up and bum his corpse. You had to be there I suppose.

HIGNFY is, and always will be, a great show.

However it blows my mind that Two pints of cocking lager and The Now show are continually given my licence fee. Utter toilet water of the highest order.

However by far the best programme on TV is Qi.
Stephen Fry is quite literally a living legend and the programme is always funny AND informative. Not something you get much of these days.
Michael Macintyre is one of the best comedians at the moment...

Agreed on QI... great to see an intelligent comedy show!
I hate mock the week with a passion. None of them are nearly as funny as they think they are. They sit around smugly enjoying their terrible jokes and patting themselves on the back. They're like the stupid people that sit behind you on the bus having the worst conversation imaginable and somehow managing to believe that they're being interesting and original.