Moms (or dads), do you ever swear not to wear a certain fashion trend and


May 18, 2008
then change your mind? I'm one of those people who hates wearing what every one else is. I don't dress to stand out in a crowd but I don't want to look like everyone else either. One thing I vowed to never wear are leggings.

I bought a pair of black ones last year but never wore them. I decided to wear them this week and I've gotten so many compliments! I can't believe how easy of an outfit it makes and it can look either dressy or casual. I wish I had started wearing that "fashion" sooner.

What about you?
Yes :( I swore on my life that I would never wear skinny jeans and last year I bought some. They were two pairs for 10 dollars so its not like I spent a TON of money, only wearing them a couple of times. I looked good in them for being a heavy woman and I wore them tackfully, but they were hotter than regular jeans. I've retired them to the back of my closet.

I love legging! My first pregnancy I wore them everyday because they were comfortable!
U know I didn't think I would wear them either, but I love them.
I never thought id buy a underside push up bikini .. but I just bought one because my poor boobs have been through so much ( pregnancy, breastfeeding) they don't fit into a regular bathing suite anymore

edit< underwire
Fashion? What's fashion?

Actually, I'm not that bad. Sweater vest. Done the right way it can look sharp and not like grandpa. I also like using as a layer under a blazer with jeans when it's cold. Yeah, well, who knew.
My wardrobe hasn't really changed much since the late 90s.... I'm just not into fashion enough to care if I'm trendy or not, and I'm too cheap to invest in the overpriced crap that everyone just "has to have".

Though the funny thing about leggings... they give you some extra support, and make you look good, but people are starting to find out that having that extra support ALL the time because it's trendy is actually weakening the muscles in the supported areas. Over time, it makes them look like they've gained weight when they're not wearing leggings, because the muscles become un-toned. Which frankly, I find hilarious. XD

It's the same thing with those god-awful Uggs... they've been trendy for ages, and now people are realizing they cause major foot and back problems, because they were never intended as an everyday shoe.

So yeah... personally, I think being trendy is over-rated.
I vowed never to wear skinny jeans, only in the past month I bought a pair and could never find myself getting out of them, the next week later I bought another pair in a different color, and I feel like it compliments me well. People have made positive comments too. I tend to wear canvas shoes and a t-shirt to compliment the look and I must admit it makes me look and feel younger.
legwarmers, I swore to never wear them but they are great in the winter and can make an outfit look really awesome if you know how to wear them right. I don't mean 80's exercise legwarmers btw, ones that are crochet or floral design maybe.
I love leggings, they are great, the joys of leggings will not go away for me either.

I swore I would NEVER own or wear a pair of crocs. I have actually almost stuck to it, I have a pair but hardly ever wear them. All three of my kids have them now though and I am very tempted to buy a winter pair.