Monsters - a right to life?

Thats a pretty bloody good excuse. Fair play dude.

maybe you should let yourself play, just a little...
Anyway, back to monsters.

I just don't think the whole monster fraternity showed be victimised and wiped out because a few people got eaten. Sure, I might think differently if someone I liked bite the big one thanks to a vamp or a zombie, but I'm fairly sure I wouldn't go in for total eradication of monster life.

Did anyone play the awesome "Shadow of the Colossus" on the PS2? The main premise to to ride on your horse from monster to monster killing them. Great fun at the time, but in hindsight it just seems a bit mean...
However, it does appear that the very purpose of the existence of these monsters is to eradicate human kind, via different methods of blood sucking, brain eating, zombification, or destruction of souls and taking over of bodies!!!

This is antisocial behaviour of the highest order, dudes!!

Now I am not suggesting that we eradicate all people who undertake antisocial behaviour, but when it involves a deliberate attempt to take over or destroy humankind, then maybe eradication is the only way forward.

Monsters do appear to deliberately target humans for destruction, (or is this just media hype and bad publicity for monsters?) and therefore surely it is an "us or them" situation.

As for those Vamires that claim not to want to drink human blood, just you wait!!!! One Friday Night, after a few beers and shots, in the heat of the moment they ar enot going to reach for a kebab!!! Watch you necks guys!!!
While it is true that individuals of various monster species do target humans I'm not sure you can apply that to every single monster being.

I remember reading a comic book from the 1950s or 60s or something, in it astronauts came across a monster (in this case it was a dragon) and set about trying to destory it, simply because it was a monster they chanced upon.

The dragon hadn't attacked them or given them reason to want to destroy it (other than being a monster), however, an asteroid was heading their way anyway (what can I say it was a mid 20th century comic book ). It turned out that the dragon simply used it's fire-breath to push the asteroid back into space and that's the sort of way they've always done - protect the planet.

Fair enough, that was a comic book example, but in real life don't you think that ther persecution of monsters is slightly unfair? I mean, everything has their uses...
You have a point, Chimp, and maybe it comes with the definition of "monster".

I personally wouldn't consider a Dragon a monster. There are many many examples of dragons getting on with human kind, as well as others whereby they are after eating buxum, beautiful, virgins for breakfast. This comes down to the personal preference of the Dragon in question. And therefore there are "good" and "bad" dragons as there are "good" and "bad" people.

However, the likes of Vampires specifically wish to drink human blood with one of two effects, death for the victim, or turning the victim into another vampire. Under these circumstances, although rat blood or cow blood will do, vampires have a prediliction for human blood and will ultimately try and get it!!

Zombies one could see as being akin to a virulent disease like ebola,a nd wouldn't we want to eradicate ebola?

Therefore I suppose it comes down to one's definition of "monster", and the ultimate raison d'etre, of the "monster".

Definately some consideration required on my part!!!
Granted, some cultures see dragons as monsters, for example St. George and the Dragon and also the legend of the Lambton Wurm. Sure, these creatures might have been rampaging through villages, causing death and destruction, but that doesn't mean they should all be hacked up.

In other cultures (Chinese), dragons are to be revered and rightly so in my opinion.

I'm not too sure with vampires. Yes, the classic vampire is out for blood and as much as it can gorge on, but I reckon any that try to shun human blood should be commended rather than vilified along with their kin.

Now, everyone likes zombies and other animated dead such as mummies, but yeah, the zombie threat should be contained.
Seriesly though I think Dragons existed, reason being is that almost every culture mentions them in some way. While it might be true that some guy came across Dinosaur bones and let his mind wander, there are too many specifics about dragons that different cultures agree on.
The two can't be compared.

Magic-an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers

"Magic" is mentioned in every culture because it's used to explain any phenomenon that can't be explained. People called anything magic that seemed out of the ordinary. It's hugely diversed, from African Voodoo dolls to the European Wizard, its all put under the common name which is.....magic
What about dwarves? They exist. I saw one the other day.

He didn't have a beard though.
We have corrupt judges and politicians along with dirty cops and lawyers walking the earth and nobody goes after them. Leave the mummys and vampires alone!! Which of those does more harm?,,2168620,00.html

I'm really sorry, but I think lethal, malodorous reptlilian babyeaters have no right to life. Thatcher has been left alive for far too long.
along with all other politicians, useless bickering idiots.

What example do they set, look even im bickering now.

Yep, the real monsters are the politicians...2 jags jabba.