morning after pills

It is, however, most effective if taken at the earliest opportunity afterwards. After a week it doesn't really have much chance of working.
Sorry Should have said effectiveness goes down. It dose, however, work. I can't remember the stats of the top of my head but its still detectable in trials.
The idea that this will lead to a more unprotected sex is a bit silly really, the side effects of the morning after pill can be really quite unpleasant for some women.
While I agree that is will not lead to an increase, the side effects of the current dosages are significantly less than the old style ones.
So wait, I know I should have learn this all in school, but the morning after pill does it's job BEFORE contact between the sperm and the egg?
Yet just another tool for people to use to be careless, stupid and thoughtless and not take responsibility for their actiona at the cost of an innocent human life.
Technically, it can be counted as an abortion if it functions by preventing a fertilised egg from reaching the lining of the womb, however, the fertilised egg still isn't classed as a foetus till after it's implanted in the womb lining for some time.
it all depends on when you consider the foetus to become 'alive' in its own right. Until then its no different to an internal organ or a tumour.
Yeah, but apparantly my IUD also causes 'abortion'.
There's just no pleasing some people.
True, true, I was only pointing out that "technically" it can be considered as an abortion due to the way it works. For the record, I haven't got any problem with either the morning after pill or the IUD.
Thats the all time stupidist comparison I have ever heard on the subject...or, you just watched a Monty Python movie and have the song stuck in your head...
In the 1800s they thought that semen contained tiny living beings that would begin to grow when implanted in a uterus. Do you still subscribe to that theory?
Nope, but you have to admit it is a nice theory. Makes almost everyone a mass murderer.
Which is kind of funny really, because if I were to call you a 'mass murderer' then I would probably get away with it, but if I were to call you a '******' then I might get sin-binned!