Mornington Crescent - New Balls please!


New member
Mar 14, 2008
As the last game played mired terribly under the impositions set by the Kirkwallian Revisions, I propose a new round played using the more universally accepted Whovian Accords

With that in mind I must also add that Firbin of ANY kind simply will not be tolerated

Anyhoo, I commence play with a Jaunty Harlem Step to Chalk Farm

The game is afoot!
A terse riposte - within the rules, but please keep sportmanship in mind when using such plays...

Playing the Mrs Trellis 3rd variation, that allows me just enough time for a sponge down before arriving at Hatton Cross.
Since we are using Whovian Accords, snickering must be kept to a minimum as I saunter off to Cockfosters.

Still early in the game but have your Lederhosen and vasoline handy.
A cheeky play!

To Earls Court - maybe that will cool your sauce you flirty man!
I do believe I will go for a Scottish Encirclement. So bagpipes a piping and kilts a swirling I head off to Old Street.

BTW, are we using classic or modern Whovian accords? Makes a big difference if you are planning temporal transitions.
A move both uffish and slithey! Excellent use of the vasoline.

Hat's off to you my good sir.

I feel must respond wuffling and burbling with Richmond if I hope to salvage any of my felt breeches.
Adopting the Kingsley principle for totting routes, Richmond slips nicely into Chancery lane without even requiring the use of Vaseline.
Aha! Based on the 1807 game in with the 23rd Lord of Upper Lesser Middleford, Lord Kevin the slow, did the exact same move I feel quite comfortable in declaring a state of Hurumphing which requires all players to move back 3 spaces and the offending player to coat himself in Lime Jello and sing the song of his choosing from the Sound Of Music.

While said events are occurring I will sally forth to Royal Albert wearing my resplendent uniform of a Major of the Welsh Mounted Supply and Mess Regiment. Fine Dining is our calling!

"The hills are alive...."

Given my current colour I'll invoke the Third Rule of Appropriacy and lead us to Green Park.

"...with the sound of music!"


Were you wearing you garland of alluring curveosity? If not you you are treading close to forcing a round of skyclad play. At least in my case that would not be a pretty sight!

I shall trek myself off to Kentish Town.
Blinding play there old chap!

Its as if you knew exactly my planned movements hence forth! But of course I shall have to counter your Kentish Town with a leisurely ride upon the Northern Line down to the London Bridge