Mums (and dads!): Hair styles for little girls?


May 17, 2008
Hey :) To all the parents of little girls: How do you usually do your daughters hair?

At the minute my almost-3-year-old has very thick, curly, short hair and a full fringe ('bangs') which we tend to do nothing with. It rarely gets messy so I don't see the point anyway. I sometimes do little pony tails or plaits down one side, but nothing else.

My 7 year old has long, hair that naturally curls at the ends. It's usually down, but for school I do a lot of plaits (braids) in her hair and a few creative ponytails... but that's about it.

My 7 month old and four year old son, of course, do not require much hair attention xD

So do you have any idea? How do you usually style your daughter's hair? Do you do anything different for school? Thank you x
probably would do the same as for my own, use a clip, the ones i use are more friendly on the hair then hairbands which can cause hairstraws too wear thin and split

and i do prefer long hair if it just looks tick enough too look ok, its easier too care for in my opinion then short hair which needs styling