My 14 year old son wants to see THE RUINS in theatres with his friends but...


jessica p

...I'm not sure if it is appropriate? My son and 2 of his friends were going to see THE RUINS next weekend. I didn't know they were going to see this until I asked one of his friends, and he said The ruins, when my son didn't even tell me.

The Ruins is rated R for strong violence, gruesome images, sexuallity and language.

Should I let him go next weekend? Would you let your son go?
Well if he's not old enough than he won't be allowed in will he? If he and his mates are mature enough, then I think you should let them go, but if they aren't very grown up or you think they could act irresponsibly, then don't let him go.
dude who cares im 15 and my parents dont give a crap whatever movie i see....
First of all R is 17+, 17 but i guess it would depend on the maturity of your son. if he's smart, and actually has a thinking mind then a movie aka. Fake story. Shouldn't change the way he looks at life. if he's like a crazy freak who likes to do creepy things and your actually afraid of what he'll do if he does see it then no. I would recommend letting him see it. it'll make him respect you more by giving him freedom
Your his mom, you make the decision. Dont ask us. R is for 18+ unless accompanied by an adult last time I checked.
Good for you for being wary.
You know what sort of boy he is. So ultimately it's YOUR decision.
If he's 14 he may well be watching things on anyway and may be immune to such scenes, however inappropriate that might be. If he has a PC check his history!!
The cinema should not be letting him in.....
Personally I believe that it would be fine.

Kids are maturing alot faster these days
and there is alot of stuff he could easily have access
to which is alot worse than an R rated movie.

I don't think it will do him any harm and to be honest he's probably already seen quite a few R rated movies.