My 6 month old picks up both legs and bangs them down hard when he is on his...


New member
Sep 9, 2008
My son is 5 1/2 months and does it too. He actually does arms and legs sometimes. When I put him in his bed at night, he can be asleep and as soon as he's ruffled just a little by putting him down, he slams his legs down. I think it's just something that they do, although the person who called it a disorder has me a bit concerned now and I think I'll confirm that it's normal for that to happen.
...back lying down! Help!? Whenever my son is on his back whether it is on the floor playing with toys, during a diaper change or naptime/bedtime he picks up both legs high in the air and slams them down over and over again! It is disturbing at nighttime in particular because his room is on the second level and you can hear the banging through the floors!! I fear his crib is going to fall apart and come tumbling down on top of him! It seems to sooth him until he falls asleep. Has this happened to anyone? What did you do? I wish I could muffle the sound with pillows but he is only 6 months and i don't want soft bedding in his crib. Please help!
We sleep in the same room as him which is another reason it is disturbing. He goes to sleep at about 730 so when we have guests over or are trying to spend a little together time after the kids are asleep all we hear is banging!
This is normal. He is progressing through his developmental milestones. It will eventually pass.
its perfectly normal. my 13 m.o still does it, its just something they like to do. there is nothing wrong with it, and as long as he isnt hurting himself he is fine.