My Adventure To Greystone


Apr 15, 2008
So over spring break this last march, I took a road trip up to North Jersey to visit my friends in the Mendham/Morristown/Randolph area. Once up there, my friends and two other people decided we were going to take a trip to Greystone the next day. We wake up the next morning to a dark grey sky and a light drizzle which must of started a while ago because the ground was pretty wet. In order to get to the building we were going into, we had to park in this creepy neighborhood on the other side of the woods. There was a random gift shop and people sitting out on their porches. My one friend who had gone before had the cops called on him by the people on their porches so we had to be stealthy. We parked down the street and walked north up a road and when we were out of site, we sprinted across the woods. We arrived at the building to see some smoke coming from machinery just north of the building. We saw one police car drive by, and dove in the nearest bush when it passed. After we were clear, we found the broken gate and climbed inside the building. The first room we entered was what looked like a nursery. We found Bearnstein Bears books and read a few of them while we waited for the last member of our exploration team. We searched the area for weapons and went on our way. Once inside, it was pitch black. We had two flashlights that were sub-par, if that. We looked around, saw alot of broken windows/doors and alot of stuff on the floors. We saw a childs desk with "bones" ontop of it sitting right in the middle of the hallway which spooked up a little. We saw an electric shock box, which had tons of electrical stuff inside and a little hole for the head. Once we got to the second floor, the windows wern't boarded up, so we had some light to see. This is where all the bedrooms must have been because it looked like the inside of a regular hospital. We found beds, bathrooms, tie up things, ect. Nothing to exciting was on this floor except at one end of the building was a day room with windows all around. In the middle of the room was a pair of red high heels which looked brand new (also kind of spookey). We made our way up to the attic and found some really creepy stuff. We got up to the top of the elevator shaft and looked down, and we got to see the device that made the elevator go up and down. We went on the roof via the ladder that took us outside. The attic looked like a regular house attic with lots of wood and cobwebs. Then out of nowehre was a room with auditorium seating. In order to get to this room, someoen would have to walk through an attic to get to it. All of the chairs were facing a door to the final room. This room was in the very top center of the building just above the main entrance. It was a HUGE room and in the middle was a single red chair facing the door (very creepy). We looked out the window, saw some other kids coming in, and tried to spook them out a little bit by throwing pennies and stuff out the windows. After that, we decided to check out the tunnels which connected all the buildings on this 3 acre complex. The tunnels were used to transport patients from one building to another without having to go outside.

My one friend a while back found a patient file which had evidence that they used shock therapy on them. Greystone denies using shock therapy to this day.

TLDR - I explained what all of the pictures were of and what we did inside

vv Basement Hallway vv

vv School Door vv

vv The Tunnels [Flooded] vv

vv Another Basement Hallway vv

vv Another Basement Hallway vv

vv Creepy Picture Friend Took Through Window [Shouldn't Be Blurry] vv

vv Sleeping Quarters vv

vv P.A System vv

vv Steel Door vv

vv Auditorium Room In Attic vv

vv Suitcase vv

vv Trashed Hallway vv

vv Hair Dressing Room vv

vv Showers vv

vv Leaving vv
I don't see the shadow of the person taking the pictures. Ghosts must be taking the pictures. Oh God!
thats kinda cool..shoulda took more pictures..woulda been sweet to like analyze them to see if you see anything
I have a bunch more, but some of them have people in them and I posted this in the wierd NJ forum and there are alot of police on that forum that look for the people in the pictures and charge them with trespassing n everything. Ill host em in a sec. I have another adventure ill post soon too.
Nah, its still there, but the township sent a letter to Weird NJ saying to post something in their magazine that anyone caught back there will have every possible charge brought against them. They said they have had to dish out over 10 grand to repair fences and stuff that people have vandalized and they are sick of it.
Are you going to be in LBI late september? Me and my friends are taking a weekend trip to see all the wierd NJ stuff in the central/north jersey area.