my baby is stretching his legs out and screaming...what does this mean?


New member
Dec 30, 2008
my baby is 4 weeks old. He has been stretching his legs are far as they will go and screaming his head off. I can't even move him he gets so stiff. what could this be?
It could be gas. Call the Dr's answering service. They will be able to help you faster than anyone here. Good luck and I hope the little one feels better
It could be gas. Call the Dr's answering service. They will be able to help you faster than anyone here. Good luck and I hope the little one feels better
Your baby probably has colic,aka gas...Hold him up on your shoulder and pat his behind kinda hard, and see if that helps. Sometimes putting them in there car seat and turning the dryer on and setting them on top of the dryer helps, as the vibration is what helps..Good luck..You might want to call your doctor and get some colic medicine..
Babies cry when something is the matter such as hunger, sleepiness, stomach ache, or perhaps loneliness. It sounds like he's stiffing up because he's got a stomach ache/gas pains. Just be patient and relax while soothing him with his stomach down on your legs. As he's laying across your lap gently pat his back. This should soothe his tummy or try him laying against your upper shoulder. What this is doing is applying gentle pressure to let out any gas bubbles or discomfort he has. Hope your little own feels better!