My best friend laughs at me when I cry?


Apr 7, 2008
A few weeks ago my grandfather was having a very hard time in the hospital and I broke down, I expected my best friend to.comfort me but instead she laughed, which shes dine before. Why does she laugh at me when I cry? Why isn't she comforting me?
Clearly she is no best friend. She's not even a friend. A true friend comforts you and supports you. Stand up for yourself. Don't let her laugh at you! If she is mean, leave her! You don't deserve that crap!
Most likely she is just not a good friend. It is also possible that you crying makes her uncomfortable so she does not know what to do. She may be laughing as a defense mechanism. But if she is actively making fun of you then I would seek another friend.
Your friend is being very rude and disrespectful.It's not funny when someone cries when someones is in pain.I don't know why she was laughing.But it was very rude of her.
Cause she's a bitch.
-Talk to her.
-If she's mean, or something, leave her.
Not a real best friend.

Good luck to your grandfather love. <3