My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Did anyone watch this last night (UK mapers only)??

What did you think? Some truly OUTRAGEOUS moments, but I kind of admire some of their traditions and social beliefs.......
Because of ch 4's recent doozies, I was expecting it to be pretty awful, and expecting a follow up along the lines of 'when muslims and travellers meet', but actually I thought it was pretty fair and pretty illuminating.

It's a great documentary to do because their culture is so unknown to most people, and of course travellers are easy targets for stereotypes. I mean there were things I disagreed with (the grabbing ritual for example), but you can see pretty easily how important culture and tradition is to traveller communities, mainly because they have always been seen as and treated as outsiders.
I'm not an expert, but I think it's a half and half thing. Originally they were shunned, and their cultural difference has become a source of pride, hence the strong connection to tradition and all that. So now yes they do want to be 'outsiders' in a way, but I have a feeling they wouldn't be against 'mainstream' society being more accepting of how they choose to live.
Is this a rerun of a show that was aired some months back? With the bare knuckle boxer who really doesn't like being called a Pikey (although, has there ever been a show involving Gypsies that didn't feature an angry bare knuckle boxer)?
They did a one off programme of this a few months back and due to the success have done this mini series.

I have to admit, I was always kind of against travellers and the stereotypical view of them, but I have to admire their family loyalties and traditions of no sex before marriage, looking after each other and honouring their traditions. True, many of them go against "normal society's" views, but who are we to judge......
Not seen the particular program (this is Facebook right?) but their beliefs and culture kick ours into next week. Are they racist to the surrounding society? Maybe but they want to preserve their family based beliefs and their society. I like their 'just passing through' attitude (kinda my life but in a caravan instead of a hotel) if they want to chuck a small fortune in a wedding that chances are will last forever than why not? Not as if the can't afford it.
Hmmmm. Now I'm a Guardian reading former trade union rep but I have a few reservations.

Are the travellers who occasionally occupy various sports grounds near us for a few weeks then disappear leaving the kind of mess that stops kids playing on them for many weeks after of the same culture?

Do HMRC get their cut from the obviously substantial income displayed in these lavish weddings?

Is this the same culture that flouts planning law to build whatever, wherever, as evinced by the scrap heap and associated dwelling on what was someone's paddock near my parents home in rural Herefordshire?

As always, I'm sure there is good and bad in every culture, but doing as you please without regard to those around you is not cultural or admirable it's just selfish and unpleasant.

I'm with Mitch.
We have travellers that rock up and occupy a lay-by near me. Horses get tied up on any patch of ground they deem suitable. Rubbish left everywhere when they move on.
They are so dirty they look like tramps. Seriously. All their clothing is the same colour.
Perhaps they are a different sort of traveller?
From someone I know who is one, there are good and bad types/families. Same as everywhere else then.
Not really fair that everyone is tarred with the same brush, but with the majority of press being bad, it was always going to happen.

Not seen the programme, but might give it a look if I get bored today, sounds interesting from what I have heard here.
There are certainly different types of traveller. But yeah, in every culture and society you get the good and the bad.

So for example, there is one traveller family living near Monk's Cross in York at the moment (PASmith, that's for your benefit I guess!) who look pretty unkempt, but then there are some travellers who have decided to live in houses, and work and all that.

Mitch, the weddings aren't all that lavish - it's just they spend a crapton on the dresses. In some ways it's comparable to the bling culture - people look down on you, so show them you're living a flash lifestyle kind of thing.