my boyfriend always complains how small he is?


Nov 23, 2008
hes really not, when hes hard id say hes around 6 inches, which is normal right?
hes really self conscious about do i make him not so self conscious?
it makes me feel bad
thanks everyone :)
tell him his whining makes you feel bad not his penis. His penis is just fine.
just say," at least you're not 5 inches, i feel lucky to have you!"

that might make him feel better

or when you are goin at it, say " omg baby, omg u feel so big!"
ok read this. the average penis size is around 4.5-5 inches in length. having 6 inches is not bad but if he's self concious about it then thats his fault. most guys r like that anyway and they all want a 7 inch penis or something even bigger but u cant change how god made u so he has to deal with. he should be thankful cuz some guys have real problems, and i mean its out of their control like a disorder or something, like having a 2 or 3 inch penis. but thats not too common. instead of complaining he should be thankful for what he has cuz oneday he is not gonna even have 4 inches.