My cat wont stop whining help?!?!?


May 13, 2008
My cat is always whining (meowing) almost all day long every day he only stops to take a nap or eat lol i think its cuz he wants to go outside. But hes an indoor cat, my house is right on a main road so i wouldnt want him to be an outdoor cat. The question is what should i do to stop him from meowing all day its so annoying i cant even sleep at night cuz of it. Any ideas would be great!! Thanks!!
If he is not neutered he may be smelling females in heat.If he is neutered he may be ill or in pain.Take him to the vets.
Just give him time to stop meowing on his own. There isn't really anything else you can do. I doubt he's sick, because sick cats usually get quiet and hide when sick or in pain, they generally don't get loud and noisy...maybe call your vet and ask them what they think?
Is he fixed? He might be sick. Has he been to the vet lately? Many cats get vocal when they don't feel well. Don't let him outside. FIV is very contagious, and expensive to treat.
You should have the vet check him out. If he's in good health, the vet can suggest some reasons for his crying and some ways to deal with it. He'll be healthier and live longer if you keep him indoors. If he isn't neutered, he needs to be.

Some catnip might temporarily cheer him up.