My child has experimented and showed interest in sexual acts, is there any


New member
Jun 2, 2008
chance in turning her around? My daughter & another child 2 years older than her were caught on the daycare van doing inappropriate things. Once she's shown this interest is there any turning back? What action do I need to take to better her childhood and the rest of her life? My daughter is 9 and the other girl is 11. My daughter didn't tell the other girl no, she didn't scream or cry or kick, it was as though she liked what was taking place.
Honestly I doubt this is a big deal, the main fact is that your daughter probably has no idea what exactly she was doing and it wasn't specifically hurting her (hence the no cry.. scream). This isn't going to change her or make her promiscuous she's 9. Just a bit of education might help..
If you don't mind me asking, what was the act?
At 9 years old sexual interest (at least for girls) is not a very good sign. Some may start masturbating at that point...or even a year or two before, but they don't know what it means, or that its even very sexual. Al they know is that it feels good. I remember being that age given it was only about 10 years ago, and I never thought of sex. Sometimes id hear my mom have sex, but when I did I would cry because I heard her differently and it was disturbing and weird. But other than that the only thing even remotly "sexual" I did was look and inspect my privates, wondering and having many questions and seeing the dogs weiner come out which I thought was nasty.
But it depends on the act she was doing, if she is probably destined for more sexual experiences.
well what were they doing, it's natural to be interested in that kind of thing, when i was that age everyone was like that but it was never anything serious, just figuring out what was going on
bit young but there you go. If she is gay, she is gay. Where's the problem?

might be worth a word explaining what is and isn't acceptable in public, whatever your orientation.