My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

I don't think disagreeing with the morality of a concept or being is a good reason to not believe in that concept or being. If that were the case, I wouldn't believe in the existence of Hitler, either.But there's a fundamental difference between Hitler and God that causes me to believe the former existed while not believing in the existence of the latter.Evidence.
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

Great site.Why am I am atheist:Simple reason is because I always thought it was totally ridiculous."Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."Yeah, and yet its Norse and Greek that are discarded as just silly mythology...
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

You hate God because of what PEOPLE do?
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

I would like to say that you are putting all in a general category and referring to a religionTo know God is to love Him because He is lovemany have taken truths and perverted them and done horrendous things in the name of Christ may I say that unless you come to know Him in a personal way you can't understand true spiritualitywhen you read the gospels with the life of Christ and the book of the acts of the apostles you will see things are just the opposite of religion and Jesus was crucified by the religious and so were the apostles; they went about doing good and were killed because they didn't follow the religion of the various self righteous ones
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

*nods* ... and I understand your position. This is not God, though. This is Satan calling himself "God". Everyone who hates and kills in the name of God is really owned by Satan- not to mention a very wide range of other sins and I went to the San Diego Museum of Man when they had an exhibit of torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition. They had a sign at the entrance saying they would refund your money within 10 minutes of buying a ticket if you found the exhibit too gruesome. There were people leaving as we were buying tix to get in. Every one of the devices was genuine, except for the guillotine, which was a replica. It truly WAS a gruesome exhibit! We went through the whole thing, but I left with a feeling I can't really describe... and would rather not.
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

yes history does not cast the religions in very good light
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

I agree with you completely and that is an excellent article though flawed.The people (witches) in Salem were never burned and most of them were found guilty of witchcraft though they were exonerated later. Even a dog was hung as a witch.Christian have committed numerable atrocities in the name of Jesus and the missionaries are carrying on the same now as they have done through history, often using the carrot and the stick method. "We will feed and clothe you, but you must pray to Jesus and thank him, and if you don't there is this guy called Satan and he will be happy to show you around Hell".BB)O(
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

Saudi Arabia still has the unsavory title of the world's worst persecutor of Christians. The kingdom does not permit any practice of the Christian faith."There no longer is a church in Chechnya."In February China burnt down and blew up churches and took dozens of clerics into custody, among them another bishop, in an intensified campaign against the underground Catholic Church. In March news leaked out that China had written new guidelines for attacking believersThe “Sharia Laws” the Muslims are using today to take over whole countries are just like the old “Pact of Omar” 635 AD to take over, Mecca, Medina, Egypt, Israel, Syria.Sudan, which has become a killing field for the believers of the South.Violence against Christians (often accompanied by ethnic and economic tensions) is rampant in many parts of the world. Most of the northern countries of Africa have been completely overrun by Muslim extremistsThe Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has just been informed that 50 or more Christians in Henno, Ethiopia, were brutally attacked on 20 July by 7 Muslim leaders.These are just a few headlines I found. You can believe however you want, no one is forcing you. Some day you'll know.
My dear Christian Friends - some of us are Atheists for different reasons . I would like you to see why I am?

I just looked at this website and would like to point out some of the skewed atrocities on here. If you look at the link to this website and then follow the link to the Justice link.Some of the atrocities includein the Hawaii section: that the Christian missionaries brougth disease to the people of Hawaii.Also, in the middle ages, that the Catholic church persecuted the Protestants. That was Christian against Christian, by the way.I'm at a loss as to how you can blame God for the diseases in Hawaii, as if someone who came from either another religion or a group of Atheists settling in Hawaii would have prevented that from occuring.The first paragraph shows that this is an extremely opinionated website designed to spew hatred against Christianity. Because of these types of issues, without citations I might add, I have doubts about whether this is fact instead of opinion.While I can understand your viewpoint, and that for these among other reasons you don't agree with Christianity. I hope that you realize that most of the basis for the articles are based on stories brought down throughout the ages. Stories brought down often become believed and finally accepted as factual. To me, it's like the equivalent of hating the Egyptians because of what they did to the Jews back in the Old Testament while they were slaves. The Egyptians were cruel taskmasters to their slaves. But the people of Egypt are not responsible today for those atrocities. While it is in their histry and culture, I believe that the people of that country have come a long way. For that reason, I hope that you will see that blaming christianity today for the atrocities committed in the name of our religion several centuries ago is unfair.My aunt was a missionary in Colombia and served over there for 42 years. She was jailed, set upon with poisonous snakes, and had her house bombed more than once by the political factions of the religious people. Yet, I don't blame their religion or God, nor does she. What we understand is that there are people, good and bad, of all religions. Being a Christian does not make me better than you. In many ways I agree that you are a better person than me, because you try to see people with compassion. But, I hope you also see that hating a religion based upon their history is wrong.