My father asked his boss to help find me a job. I'm worried about how my


May 19, 2008
actions may later impact my dad. ? I'm a recent grad who is having a hard time finding a job. I studied political science and am determined to find a job in the government sector or marketing. I'm currently working as a data entry clerk to pass the time and make some money. I am actively networking and making my own contacts hoping that my hard work, determination and persistence will pay off in the end.

Now my father has asked if his boss can set me up with any sort of job.

My concerns are:

1. This job will be in the transportation industry (about which I have no interest in) and I don't see myself not looking for another job that suits my needs & interests more. I'm afraid that my potential resignation from this job will impact my father negatively. Should I even pursue this opportunity if I know I will only use it to get experience and plan on leaving anyway? Or should I let it ago as all of my actions may potentially make my dad look bad?

2. My parents are furious that I'm having a negative attitude towards this whole situation, and I really can't help but feel like a spoiled brat. Am I really being unreasonable about being cautious? It's hard enough keeping your own reputation up at a job let alone consider how it might affect my father. My parents have controlled me monetarily as well as through guilt trips for many years. I don't want to feel trapped.