My fingernail came off what should I do?


Active member
May 13, 2008
On May 27th I accidentally slammed the car door very hard on my middle finger. It hurt very bad as soon as I got in the house I immediately iced it. I would ice it everyday but then it turned black, purple, red. My finger was hurting very bad and my dad refused to take me to see the doctor. I continued to ice it and add antibiotics to it. Keep in mine my finger was very swollen but over time it went down. There's also a bump at the cuticles or nail bed I guess you would call it. A month later, (June 26) my nail came off. There is a little red thing on it I don't know it is but it's soft and hurts when I touch it. My older brother said it's a tissue??? I don't know what to do. When I cover it, it still hurts. How long will it take for my nail to grow back and what do I need to do in order to protect my nail and help it grow back healthy and fast. How should I treat it? Please help me I'm 15 !!!