My Gourami fish wont breed?


Jun 2, 2008
I have a male red dwarf gourami and a blue female gourami, I put them in my other tank yesterday that is 5 gallons and the heater goes up to 34, there are blue and black stones in the tank with a couple of stones and a ornament for the female to hide in. All they seem to do is hide behind the filter or the ornament or they follow each other slowly to hide behind the filter, they haven't done any breeding. What am i doing wrong to not succeed?
Oh right, I do have a 20 litre tank, its got 30 guppies, 5 mollies, 1 male fighter, 1 pleco, 3 tetras and 2 female gouramis. If i put the male and female back in the 20 litre tank with the heater at 34 watt, will they mate? as i have loads of plants in there!