My grandmother is driving me crazy?!?


New member
Jun 23, 2008
she's just so..ugh. the thing is, she isn't even that old to have an excuse for being like this. she was just born this way, from what my dad has told me. my dad didn't bring anything back for her when me and him went to lunch one she deliberately took everyone out for ice cream without inviting him. everytime something minor happens, like if we're in a large group and she happens to be more towards the back, she'll say everyone is isolating her and make a huge goddamn deal out of it. she yells at me and lectures me about EVERYTHING. once she called my mother cold-hearted and i went off on her - i had every right to. and it was just because my mom called me without talking to my brother because her phone died. she says horrible things about my mom, even to my moms saying it's HER fault my mom and dad are separated, when everyone knows it was both of them. she always throws these little pity parties and expects me to go along with it, and when i don't she becomes frustrated and starts talking more about how "badly" she's treated. we try not to call her a lot because we KNOW it will somehow end badly, and she takes that offensively.
it's just that we really don't get along and she really pisses me off all the time. once i tried to talk to her because my cousin was upsetting me, so she got really defensive and yelled at me for "making fun of her", which i would never do.
another thing is, she's really obvious when it comes to showing who her favorite grandchild is. she sent me a letter basically just saying "everything here is fine, love you bye" and my brothers was a whole page, front to back.
she's also a health and safety freak. i can understand wanting a child to be safe, but she scared me to death as a little girl with all these safety precautions. i would get in trouble for crossing the road (in her sight, NOT on a busy road, after looking both ways, all that) just to MY driveway. another thing was that there were these people, maybe in their mid-20s who came to her door. they looked like they were selling something, and they just wanted to ask a question..she went to the door and screamed at them to get away from her house. i felt bad for them so i was trying to listen to them through the glass door..she pulled me back and yelled at me so much she made me cry, saying things like "there could have been a whole army of people ready to shoot and kill you, or kidnap you." i blame her for the reason i'm terrified of answering the door when i'm home alone, or crossing busy roads.

ughh. okay well i hope you can see my point. she's just crazy.
i just don't know how to handle it when she starts getting mad at me for something stupid, especially if she's talking about my mom. do i defend myself or whoever she's talking about, or just sit there and take it? i'm not one to let people walk all over me like that..i just don't know how to deal with that. now that my dad lives there, i'm going to be seeing a lot more of her. help!!
i'm asking for advice..
i'm not just venting.
if you don't want to give me a REAL answer,
dont answer it.
it's that simple!