My iTouch 4th Gen decided to take a little milisecond swim.?


New member
Feb 22, 2013
It fell in the water and I quickly got it out. It has a cracked screen and, while I was wrapping it in a towel, the screen faded to black. I quickly found the rice and submerged it in that for 24 hours.
I pressed the top button today and the Apple logo came up brightly at first, then dimmed to where I couldn't even see anything on the screen. No water appeared to have gotten into the screen, though.
When I plug it into the dock, the dock registers it's there, but I can't see a thing on the screen unless I turn it a certain way and look really close.
What do I do?
Every cent I make goes into my car and a travel fund, so I don't have any to spare on the iTouch. I'm kind of freaking out about it. Haha.
go to and order a new screen and digitizer - it's all you can do, but it's way cheaper than anything else. I spent $95 to get 2 screens, a tool kit and some sticky tape for 2 iPods, the tutorials are free and totally rock!
Other than that you can do the turney, look closely thingy and see if you adjust your brightness what happens, but it sounds like your digitizer got fried in the aqua olympics and you have to buy it with a new screen cuz that's the rules I guess - you're cracked screens not going back on right I guarantee it!