my mom is never home and my dad is a HUGE druggie what do i do im only 11?


Natielie C

my mom is home 3 times a week and my dad has been in and out of rehabe more then 3 times every time i see him he is drunk my mom is always at her boyfriends my older sister is the one who cares for me i dont no what to do every time i trie to talk to my mom she yells at me and once or twice has smacked me across the face . my dad has almost killed me more then at least 3 times PLEASE HELP ME
Go to the police or the school...this problem could only get worse or end badly.
get foster care. please it will be the best thing. im only saying that to protect you. tell someone, it might be hard and scary, but you need to tell some one before something happens.
why do people always go to the internet when you can just call the police (there number is 911) or you can call child services
Sweety the first thing u need to do is get out of there, go to a friends house or neighbors that u can trust , tell your teacher, talk to the Police but get out as fast as you can for your own safety best of luck Ill pray for you
do u have any relatives or friends that can be there for u????

u need to make sure u dont go in the wrong direction in life jus cuz ur parents arent there for u..... find a good hobby or join the sports team at school... keep urself busy
oh boy i'm really sorry you're having to live this way, hon.

you are surely being abused and neglected.

addicts and alcoholics never make good parents. their top priority is their addiction.

your mother? she is neglecting you in a bad way. her priorities are really messed UP!

do you have someone you can talk with? an adult you trust and respect? a relative? a school guidance counselor?

do you have a relative you can stay with maybe?

i sure hope you get some good answers here and good advice...
Well you can tell someone at school you trust like a guidance counselor. They will probably send you to a foster home or group home. This happened to me when I was a kid and I thought my life would end. I was so scared. But it actually ended up being really cool. They bought me nice clothes and I lived in a nice home with cool girls my age that were in similar situations. I didn't feel so alone anymore.
i cant say that i know or feel what you are talking about but i think you should call a hot line for Social services or some thing cuz your older sis wont protect you for ever or even when it gone bad cuz she might get hurt too , so should do what is best for you are your sis

Please tell what you said here to your teacher or school counselor. They will help you and your family. Please do this before something really bad happens.