My new (old) hobby...


New member
May 17, 2008
While I was laid up for months with my knee, I needed something to do. Lifting and HKD were out, and I was too doped up to write anything coherent (a challenge for me even when NOT on pain meds, lol) so I took to a hobby I hadn't touched in about 25 years: Models.

No, not the leggy female kind ya buncha degenerates... the plastic kind.

Here are some pics...

I made the sidewalk and parking lot out of some left over foam insulation. I just scored the sidewalk with a thick pen before painting it. I sprayed the parking lot darker gray to resemble worn asphalt, while the sidewalks are light gray to simulate concrete. I have a few pics where I superimposed a background and it looks rather like a mini-car show, lol.

I have some military things as well which I'll take pics of shortly. A few tanks, some troops, etc. I have plans for two rather large dioramas, I just haven't picked up the last of the supplies yet. I'm thinking I wont get started on those til later in the year. But who knows. Maybe if I get bored enough.... Heres some of the military stuff I did

I built the base from a kit. It was just gray plastic in pieces. I had to assemble it then paint it and add my own turf, weathering, etc. Turned out rather well I think...
Your pictures are not coming out Mikey.

The picture you posted in the dog thread also couldn't be seen.
I really want to start modelling (the plastic kind, not the bikini kind - for the benefit of Mushroom) again. I use to do it when I was younger and it was excellent fun. Being the geek that I am, I mainly did scifi stuff - I still have some of them sitting around, including my Millennium Falcon with lights and sounds.

One thing I always wanted to do was a fantasy battlefield diaorama with miniatures.
I have a 1:72 scale model of the UD-4L Cheyenne Dropship from Aliens I spent 3 months lovingly putting together. Even painted on the Bug Stomber unit badge next to the cockpit. Love the Games Workshop stuff too.
Can I share this thread with you, Mikey?

Funnily enough I just started fixing up an old Orange road bike and I've been taking some before, during and after pictures. I used to fix up bikes as a hobby back on the ol' farm. It's not quite the same as models, but I'm building and painting stuff.

Can I post in in here? I've made about 20 threads in the past few days so I think most people are sick of them popping up every few minutes.
I've been contemplating selling the finished models in display cases. There's actually a small market for things like that. It's a big commitment though.
My lament on modelling in the modern age:

Thought ya'll might enjoy it.

I agree with you. You used to be able to buy models nearly anywhere and hobby shops were much more common. But then again, I've purchased just about every kid I've built via good ol' Amazon.

I try not to just build kits though. I try to customize things. Most of the soldiers in my pics aren't built to spec. Arms from this kit, a torso from that one. Cut of the hand, reglue in a better position, etc... Thats the fun for me.

As far as planes, I used to LOVE building the 1/48th scale B17G. I still think thats the coolest plane ever made, lol.

I have plans for a diarama with a Stuka and full crew on the landing strip. First time I've ever attemped it. Should be challenging to say the least.
Interesting blog Instructor_Jon. I've notice a number of local models shops have closed since I was younger. I still love wandering round them when I get the chance.

@Mikey. One model that always impressed my was a customised truck (a big oil tanker hauling type) I remember seeing in a model magazine years and years ago. It had been customised to look like it had been in a snow storm and won some award. It was fantastic and I always wanted to have a go at doing something like that. The closest I've managed so far was to make my Star Wars Speeder Bike look a bit used.