My samsung 55" HDTV fell on ground, is it still ok?


New member
Nov 26, 2011
My samsung LED LCD 55" 1080p 120hz HDTV fell on the carpet. we were unpacking it, took the box off the top, and it was standing upright. while we were figuring things out my mother got into a fit and accidentally tossed something or tapped it with her foot that made it tip over, screen first, onto the carpet. the bottom still had styrofoam so when the top hit the ground, the middle of the tv most likely took the force. it was not a flat fall, kind of angled because of the styrofoam blocks on the bottom of the tv. if youve ever unpacked a tv, you know what im talking about. there was nothing (thank god) on the carpet that punctured through it or anything, carpet area was perfectly clean. do you think its still ok? she thinks it is. you will decide whether we should mount it or replace it....
Plug it in first before you mount it. Check to see if it works. If not, take it back to the store, tell them it has a lot of dead pixels.
Turn it on, if it looks and sounds OK it's probably fine. TVs aren't necessarily "built to last" by an established adult's standards, but they aren't made of tape and eggshells either.