My Song From Limewire Are Not Going To Itunes......why?

well im guessing that you already successfully downloaded it in limewire. and then all your suppose to do is open up itunes on the side and drag it over.
if the problem isnt working then check the way it was the .mp3 and stuff.
some of them wont work i guess.
i dont know whick ones work or not but i would say just look for another verison of your song(s) and try again.
otherwise i dont know what to say, so i hope i helped. =)
First off I agree with the person above but my first guess is its not the same file iTunes plays. I know itunes songs are MP4 but I don't know if they have to be MP4 in order for you to play them.
I had the same problem just a few days ago. I realized it was transferring the songs to Itunes but it was doing it without even opening Itunes. If they are still not there (double check), then go to tools, options, and check the box to directly transfer download songs to Itunes. Hope that Helps

Good Luck
open limewire, go to the top tab that says library, open shared, at the mid right of the screen it should say explore, click it, then select the song you wanna transfer, right click and click "open with" then click itunes:) should appear on your itunes list immediately:)

hope this helps!!
dont use limewire! it has sooo many viruses on it !!!!! like a program that downloads a virus instead of a song lolz
Its hard to answer with so little information...was it a sudden thing? or have you not ever been able to get it to work?