My usually well natured dog bit me and drew blood, what do i do?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I have an 8 month old Border collie cross jack russell bitch, she is fairly well natured, a little boisterous and playful but never aggressive. She often plays rough which I have no problems with, she nibbles my fingers and if she's in range my ears, she never shows aggression and never hurts me, the one time I did show any sign of pain she backed down straight away.
Last night she fell asleep on the sofa and started dreaming, I got up and she woke up, I went and sat with her to stroke her, got a bit too close and she snapped at me, there was no growl but her teeth caught my nose and drew blood, again as I appeared to be in pain she backed down and started licking my hand. My other half over-reacted and said we have to have her destroyed. I dont think the dog meant to hurt me.

What should I do?


Depending on the circumstances, I'm prepared to give most dogs the benefit of the doubt - once. Most of these one-off incidents are not the fault of the dog in any case, much as no dog should ever bite really. I just think you happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time here however. What to do? Don't over-react!!! And don't get your face that close to your dog again!!!

Do be aware of the potential for her doing this again however, especially around children. This sort of cross breeding should NEVER happen. Crossing a BC with a Jackie ? Just another example of why mix-breeding isn't all that I'm afraid.
your dog is 8 months old now and shouldn't be allowed to nip you in any way. this is still young puppy behaviour and should be stopped. since she is allowed to nip you during play, she thinks this behaviour is alright. you need to show her its not, or the problem will get worse. if you want to lay fight with her, always make sure you use a toy for her to nip and hold on to never you hands. if she nips you tell her no firmly, then stop all play and turn your back on her. just ignore her. do this everytime she nips you and she will soon get the picture, collies are clever dogs!
Your dog most was surprised or frightened by the sudden motion - given your story I do not think the she tried to hurt you purposefully. Especially with the hand-licking. You could try some self or professional training to make her more friendly or manageable.