my worst night ever..


New member
Apr 29, 2008
so i play soccer here at the university and since im only a freshman i have to live on campus but tonight there was a kegger at the soccer house which is like a 2 minute walk from campus and of course i went...everything was good and fun you know some beer pong and kings and what not and then we decided to go back to campus and see what was happeneing there well on our short walk back we randomly get stopped and breathalized by some douch bag cop and i blew like a .115 and my friend blew .113 and i really dont feel that drunk at all so im really pissed...but now ive got court 4/25 at 9 in the morning and most likely a underage charge so im not excited at all...

how was your night!?

tl;dr got caught WALKING back from kegger and have underage charge and court this as hell how was your night?!
when you go to court, see ask the judge if the douche bag is pressent. if he isnt ask that the charges be thrown out. if he is well, good luck.
thats another thing like there were 5 of us walking back to the campus and after each one of our breathalizers he threw the little plastic pieces we blew through on the thinking or bringing up litering charges on the popo's ha

any other advice yet!? thanks for everything so far
i really should have ran but o well i wasnt thinking when the cop pulled up and stopped but im defiantly not stumbling at all thats the gay thing ive been way drunker but tonight i get caught for walking...
My Friday night, my buddy who I've known for about 11 years was hit by a drunk driver and thrown like a rag doll about 35 feet. Miraculously he's suffered no brain damage all that happened is he fractured his tibia and shattered all his teeth. The fucking piece of shit drove off though so no-one got a plate.

unrelated: A couple weekends ago my buddy went to the hospital because he hit his head on the road while drunk and his bac was .79, the highest the hospital had ever seen and he's been drunker before.