Myspace Messages: If You Send A Message To The Myspace of A Celebrity or a Band?


New member
Jul 3, 2008
Does Anyone Read These messages, like their publicist or something. Or are the messages just deleted and never read?
For a start it matters if the myspace is a genuine one for the band...beware of fakes!

some bands hate the net and get their publicist or manager to deal with it all. Sometimes even their girlfriends or family.
But in some cases i have heard that it is the actual band that respond. I would think they would say if it was actually them.
If they seem to favouritise or send out way too many bullitins then they are fakes! Believe me i fell for loads of fake Green Day and Billie JOe ones....
Depends on the celebrity. I know that the Jonas Brothers try to read alot of their comments. I don't think they comment back too much though. Some celebrities don't go on their myspaces at all, it's just a publicist or something like that and they never actually see any of the comments. So basically, it depends on who you're leaving a message for.
Depends on the celebrity. I know that the Jonas Brothers try to read alot of their comments. I don't think they comment back too much though. Some celebrities don't go on their myspaces at all, it's just a publicist or something like that and they never actually see any of the comments. So basically, it depends on who you're leaving a message for.