Need Help with 9 Math Riddles?


New member
Jan 16, 2012
My math teacher is making us do these math riddles from an Indian website as part of our homework. Many of them are weirdly phrased and some are just difficult. I have to do a lot of them and here are a few that I need help with right now. (I am copying and pasting the questions)

Here are three answers:

1. Answer A
2. Answer A or B
3. Answer B or C

The Question: There is only one correct answer to this question. Which answer is this?

Answer Format : Alphabet of the Answer

\"This sentence contains exactly four \'a\' and seven \'e\'\"
The above sentence has an interesting property: it describes itself.

Can you build a self-describing sentence on the following pattern:
\"This sentence is composed of exactly A \'a\', E \'e\', I \'i\', O \'o\', U \'u\' and Y \'y\'\"
Replace each value A, E, ... by their name in english (Each value <= 20)

Answer format: (A,E,I,O,U,Y) for each solution (in decimal not letter), solutions in lexicographic order if more than one.

A perfect logician meets his old friend and asks him his daughter\'s ages. He had 3 daughters.
The man plans to test the logician\'s logic power. He tells \"The Product of their ages is 72\"
That didn\'t help the logician to know their ages and then he asked for another clue to which the man replied saying\" The sum of their ages equals my house number\"
Looking at the house number did not help the logician determine their ages. Finally, the man said \"My oldest daughter is a musician\"
With that information, the man knew their ages. What were they?
Answer format : Ages in increasing order separated by commas. (x,y,z) no brackets.

Find four weights such that given four weights and balance scale you can measure all integral weights between 1 to 80

Answer Format : Comma separated form 1,2,3,4

Find the Next in series 4,36,292 , ?

Given ai,bi belongs to set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0}

Find the Number of different solution for N=10 such that a1+a2+..aN=b1+b2+..bN=k and k takes all value 0<=k<=9N

Example N=1 for each 0<=k<=9 we have one solution so the answer is 10

A cable, 16 meters in length, hangs between two pillars that are both 15 meters high. The ends of the cable are attached to the tops of the pillars. At its lowest point, the cable hangs 7 meters above the ground.

The Question: How far are the two pillars apart?

We want to find the smallest, right-angled triangle for which holds:

* The lengths of the sides are whole numbers.
* The circumference is the square of a whole number.
* The area is a whole number to the power of three.

To help you a bit: the length of the hypotenuse is 240.

The Question: What are the dimensions of this triangle?
Answer should be a,b,c

The fraction


is a normal fraction that can also be written as a recurring decimal.

The Question: Which fraction is this (equal letters are equal ciphers)?

Fraction should be in a/b form , Lexicographically first in case of multiple answers.

I know it's a lot but I really need help, and any contribution helps, even if it's not all of them
Thanks :)
Thanks, number 1 was C.
Now for the other 8 :)