discussion group. I will contact? I believe I have a good design for a machine that will open a {not sure the best term}; vortex, wormhole,ect. right here on earth inside a machine. (please note im not crazy nor stupid). Im sure many of you have much knowledge and many ideas on the matter, and if most of us pulled together of knowledge, resources, and imagination, (dont forget good logic); I think we can succeed. Now I have the idea and feel I can biuld the unit, but I must hold off on the biulding until I can figure out some idea of controlling the unit and figuring out how those controlls need to be embedded inside the unit. Opening a hole/vortex i dont think is the hard part, its biulding controlls to intereact with it. I know their is no logic to biuld a controll to allow exact time and/or space movements, but I need ideas on what kind of influience WILL make the unit controllable. EXAMPLE: Car engines turn one direction, to figureout how to go in reverse, we cant change the direction a engine turns.