I am contemplating getting a laptop because my old computer is... well... old (think Windows 98SE). With that, I am pretty sure I am going to want a wireless internet connection. The only problem with that is we have a 56k connection (Everybody say it with me now, 1..2..3... BOOOO!). Anyway, what kind of router should I be looking at getting to hook up to my mighty turtleish internet? Also, I was wondering if anybody had any info on those internet thingers that connect you to a cell tower or something? I know Verizon and Sprint always advertise for them(Cost, availability, reliability?). The reason I don't have DSL or something else is because it costs WAAAAY too much around here. But my 56k is so slow, I could set it to download a YouTube video, go to work, earn enough to buy DSL, and then come home and it MIGHT be ready. Anyway, any help or suggestions are sincerely appreciated. Thanks everybody!